Sunday 12 June 2016

Trevo has Glutathione


The antioxidant benefits of glutathione are extraordinary, this is why it has earned the title of the body’s “Master Antioxidant”. Found in every cell, glutathione scours our body for toxins, free radicals and heavy metals that pose a threat to our health and well-being. Acting like a magnet, it gathers up all of these harmful substances and expels them from the body.
Benefits of Using a Quality Glutathione Supplement

Immune Function
Glutathione is keystone for our immune system, when GSH levels are low, so is our immunity. By boosting GSH levels you are increasing your body’s ability to fight off infection and illness.
By boosting Glutathione levels and maintaining them, you are preparing your body to deal with illness and infection before it has a chance to take hold and become an issue. So you can think of glutathione as one of the best preventatives as well as an effective treatment for many health conditions.

Free radicals and oxidative damage are some of the leading causes of aging. They damage our cells and bog down our body, leaving us feeling tired, old and generally unhealthy. They also contribute to the many undesirable cosmetic changes that we associate with old age. Glutathione helps eliminates free radicals and help prevent their formation.

Inflammation is deadly, pure and simple. It is considered to be a leading cause of virtually every disease we know of. Yes it is a natural and even healthy immune response, but when it persists longer than necessary it can lead to severe health problems and chronic pain.
Heavy Metal Chelator
Glutathione is a potent chelator, involved in cellular response, transport and excretion of toxic heavy metals. It is also a biomarker for toxic metal overload.

Liver Health
Because glutathione is heavily involved in the detoxification of our body, it is no surprise that it is found in its highest concentrations in the liver; the body’s most important detoxifying organ. Glutathione is also closely linked to liver health and function, when GSH levels are high, the workload put on the liver is reduced and it has a chance to repair itself. This helps reduce liver inflammation which is the cause of liver cirrhosis and impaired liver function.

Cognitive Health
Heavy metals pose a particularly high threat to our cognitive health and function. Accumulating in the brain over years of exposure and causing severe damage to the surrounding brain cells. This can lead to the progression of cognitive disorders such as dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and numerous other issues.
Supporting glutathione levels can help detoxify the brain and ensure heavy metal deposits never get a chance to damage the brain severely. This can help ward off the root cause of many cognitive disorders and even improve cognitive function and memory throughout the aging process.

Skin Health and Appearance
By supporting glutathione levels, you are improving the quality of your skin, translating into a healthy glow and a reduction in wrinkles and dry spots.
The body does produce glutathione naturally, but it just isn’t enough to maintain an adequate level throughout a lifetime. Glutathione levels begin to drop as we age, leaving us increasingly vulnerable to illness and infection as we age. Couple this with the increasingly toxic environment we live in and the nutrient depleted foods we eat, our body needs all the help it can get in order to achieve and maintain optimal health.

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