Sunday 30 October 2016

Trevo ! Powerful Vitamin B Complex

Trevo's Powerful Vitamin B Complex
Three Cheers for the B's !
The individual nutrients that make up the vitamin B complex are critical for your health. And getting these crucial vitamins couldn't be easier or more delicious. Trevo's all - natural, nutrient-dense formula contains all eight essential B vitamins: B1( thiamine), B2( Riboflavin), B3(Niacin), B5(pantothenic acid), B6(pyridoxine), B7(biotin), B9(folate), and B12(cynocobalamin).
Each B vitamin is unique in structure and is uniquely essential to specific bodily functions.For example:
• B1 and B2 are important for healthy functioning of the muscles, nerves, and heart.
• B3 helps regulate the nervous and digestive systems
• B5 and B12 are required for normal growth and development.
• B6 supports the immune system and aids the body in breaking down protein.
• B7 is involved in the production of hormones
• B9 helps cells make and maintain DNA
B vitamins also help produce energy and form red blood cells. Plus, some B vitamins help cells burn fats. Others help make neutrotransmitters like serotonin. And some B's assist with the production and repair of DNA.
Unfortunately, many of us do not get enough B's, according to the USDA. In fact, deficiencies in folic acid ( also called vitamin B9) as well as B12 and B6 are surprisingly common.
So what can you do to make sure you are getting all the B complex vitamins that your body needs?
Be sure to include plenty of dark, leafy greens (excellent sources of B2 and B9) in your daily diet as well as citrus fruits(B6 and B7), culiflower(B7), and whole grains (B1, B2 and B3). And of course , start every day with the delicious super- nutrition of Trevo !
Containing pure, all- natural vitamin B complex ingredients as well as a wealth of other powerful nutrients from around the globe, Trevo is the best way for you and your family to:
• Restore vital energy and mental focus
• Renew your body's systems and function support
• Restore anti-aging and immune function support
So lets give three cheers for some of natures most powerful, benefit-laden nutrients - the B vitamins !
Call/Text/Whatsapp: +254 725 879 248 to order your bottle of Trevo

Sunday 16 October 2016

Power of Graviola -Trevo

In Honor Of Breast Cancer Awareness Month I want To Feature The Amazing Organic Ingredients this Month In TREVO That Have Massive Research Behind Them On Supporting The Restoration Of Cells That Have Been Attacked With Cancer.


Graviola, Also known as Brazilian pawpaw, soursop, and guanaba, refers to a particular tree or its fruit.
The Benefits:
Considering this is an all-natural herbal medicine, many refer to this supplement as the “anti-pill.”
In fact, much of the tree can be used as natural medicine. The bark, roots, seeds, fruit and tree leaves have been used for centuries to cool fevers and help boost the immune system, reducing the risk of becoming ill with flu-like symptoms and the common cold.
Much like Acai Berry, it helps to curb your appetite and stimulate digestion. For this reason, many take it as a weight loss supplement to help lose weight.
Today, medical researches have found the herb fascinating because it contains natural agents called annonaceous acetogenins. These agents have been shown to have cytotoxic properties; in other words, they tend to attack cancer cells.

Further Benefits May Include:
Promoting the elimination of unhealthy bacteria.
Promoting healthy cell division.
Helping in the prevention of abnormal cell growth, which can eventually lead to cancer.
Scientific Findings

Extraordinary Results
In 1976, the National Cancer Institute began research on this herbal remedy and the findings concluded with astonishing results. The leaves of the plant were successful in destroying malignant cancer cells.
Another experiment was conducted by Purdue University’s School of Pharmacy and Pharmacal Sciences in 1998, which released findings in which two of the compounds from the leaves and fruit demonstrated what scientist refer to as “significant” anti-cancer activities against 6 human cancer cells, including prostate and pancreatic cancers.

Additional Health Benefits May Include:
-Attacks Cancer Cells -Slows Tumor Growth -Relieves Depression -Reduces Spasms
-Eliminates Bacteria
-Eliminates Viruses
-Gets Rid Of Parasites
-Stimulates Digestion
-Reduces Fever
-Expels Worms
-Lowers Heart Rate
-Boosts Immune System
-Stops Convulsions
-Reduces Blood Pressure 

Contact : +254 725 879 248 for your order of Trevo

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Make Trevo apart of you daily ! Live healthy lifestyle

Can a whole food, plant-based diet help to preserve kidney health?
Based on the National Kidney Foundation’s (NKF) estimation, there are approximately 26 million Americans with chronic kidney disease (CKD), and millions more are at risk (About Chronic Kidney Disease, 2013). To put this in perspective, this is just slightly higher than the 25.8 million Americans with diabetes (Diabetes Statistics, 2013). If you know someone with diabetes, then you probably know someone with CKD.
So, can a whole food, plant-based (WFPB) diet really help in preserving kidney health? The answer is unequivocally YES.
There is a large amount of evidence suggesting that a WFPB diet can treat, reverse, and even prevent diabetes and CKD.
When it comes to the treatment and prevention of hypertension, the evidence of the positive impact of a WFPB diet is just as convincing. One study showed that glutamic acid, which is the primary amino acid in vegetable protein, has a lowering effect on blood pressure (Stamler et al., 2009, Conclusions section, para. 1). In addition, an Adventist Health Study shows that vegans have less hypertension than meat eaters (Pettersen, Anousheh, Fan, Jaceldo-Siegl, & Fraser, 2012, Abstract, para. 5). Lastly, The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends reducing your intake of sodium to help lower blood pressure or prevent high blood pressure from developing in the first place (Prevention & Treatment of HBP, 2013); it is widely accepted that processed foods are notoriously higher in sodium than whole foods.
It is also suggested that a diet high in vitamins and minerals and moderate in protein and calories can protect against tissue damage and suppress inflammation. IGA Nephropathy is inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidney. It is the most common glomerulonephritis in the world (What is IgA Nephropathy?, 2013). The fatty acids found in animal foods can be pro-inflammatory where as the fatty acids found in plant foods are anti-inflammatory. The IGA Nephropathy Support Network provides new reasons to turn from eating animal proteins to a plant-based diet: to help reduce the strain on the kidneys and to reduce the damaging inflammatory response.
Lastly, it is suggested that a Western-style dietary pattern (high intake of saturated fat, processed foods and sweets) may be associated with kidney function decline; whereas a more prudent dietary pattern (high intake of fruits, vegetables and whole grains) may be associated with preserving kidney function. A study by Nettleton, Steffen, Palmas, Burke & Jacobs (2008) found participants with a higher consumption of fruits, vegetables and whole grains had a lower albumin to creatinine ratio (ACR), which is an early marker of kidney disease, while participants with higher nondairy animal food consumption intake had higher ACR . A subgroup analysis from the Nurses’ Health Study (Lin et al., 2011, Conclusions, para. 5) also found a significant association with increased odds of microalbuminuria and rapid kidney decline with a Western-style diet pattern compared to a more prudent dietary pattern.
Whether you have kidney disease, risk factors or you just want to preserve your kidney health for years to come, a whole foods, plant-based diet is a reasonable, effective way to achieve and maintain long-term kidney health.
This question was answered by Joan Entwistle, MSEd, RD, CDN, a graduate of the Certificate Program in Plant-Based Nutrition.
Trévo is Vegan! With 174 of the finest organic plant based nutritional supplement in the world. Trévo combines and harnesses the power of such a remarkable array of vitamins, minerals, “supergreens,” antioxidant-packed fruits and vegetables, coral calcium, and herbs from around the globe. Many of the ingredients are well known “SuperFruits”. All this (98%) absorbed at the cellular level in 30 seconds.
Don't you think it is time to add Trévo to your daily consumption?

Call /SMS / Whatsapp me: +254 725 879 248 and place your order

Sunday 12 June 2016

Trevo has Glutathione


The antioxidant benefits of glutathione are extraordinary, this is why it has earned the title of the body’s “Master Antioxidant”. Found in every cell, glutathione scours our body for toxins, free radicals and heavy metals that pose a threat to our health and well-being. Acting like a magnet, it gathers up all of these harmful substances and expels them from the body.
Benefits of Using a Quality Glutathione Supplement

Immune Function
Glutathione is keystone for our immune system, when GSH levels are low, so is our immunity. By boosting GSH levels you are increasing your body’s ability to fight off infection and illness.
By boosting Glutathione levels and maintaining them, you are preparing your body to deal with illness and infection before it has a chance to take hold and become an issue. So you can think of glutathione as one of the best preventatives as well as an effective treatment for many health conditions.

Free radicals and oxidative damage are some of the leading causes of aging. They damage our cells and bog down our body, leaving us feeling tired, old and generally unhealthy. They also contribute to the many undesirable cosmetic changes that we associate with old age. Glutathione helps eliminates free radicals and help prevent their formation.

Inflammation is deadly, pure and simple. It is considered to be a leading cause of virtually every disease we know of. Yes it is a natural and even healthy immune response, but when it persists longer than necessary it can lead to severe health problems and chronic pain.
Heavy Metal Chelator
Glutathione is a potent chelator, involved in cellular response, transport and excretion of toxic heavy metals. It is also a biomarker for toxic metal overload.

Liver Health
Because glutathione is heavily involved in the detoxification of our body, it is no surprise that it is found in its highest concentrations in the liver; the body’s most important detoxifying organ. Glutathione is also closely linked to liver health and function, when GSH levels are high, the workload put on the liver is reduced and it has a chance to repair itself. This helps reduce liver inflammation which is the cause of liver cirrhosis and impaired liver function.

Cognitive Health
Heavy metals pose a particularly high threat to our cognitive health and function. Accumulating in the brain over years of exposure and causing severe damage to the surrounding brain cells. This can lead to the progression of cognitive disorders such as dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and numerous other issues.
Supporting glutathione levels can help detoxify the brain and ensure heavy metal deposits never get a chance to damage the brain severely. This can help ward off the root cause of many cognitive disorders and even improve cognitive function and memory throughout the aging process.

Skin Health and Appearance
By supporting glutathione levels, you are improving the quality of your skin, translating into a healthy glow and a reduction in wrinkles and dry spots.
The body does produce glutathione naturally, but it just isn’t enough to maintain an adequate level throughout a lifetime. Glutathione levels begin to drop as we age, leaving us increasingly vulnerable to illness and infection as we age. Couple this with the increasingly toxic environment we live in and the nutrient depleted foods we eat, our body needs all the help it can get in order to achieve and maintain optimal health.

To learn more about Trevo go to;

OR contact me via SMS/Whatsapp/Call : +254 725 879 248


Wednesday 27 April 2016


Trévo’s Antioxidant Power

Much more than a juice drink; Trevo is unparalled antioxidant super-nutrition
The results are in! With astonishing ORAC and CAP-e antioxidant testing results, Trévo has, once again, confirmed that its nutrient-dense formula is in an entirely separate category far and above juice drinks or other types of nutritional products. Trévo is the one nutritional product you need for vibrant, long-lasting good health. Want to feel better, look younger and live longer? According to research, if you are not getting at least 4,000-5,000 ORAC units of antioxidant-type nutrition per day in your body, you are quickly losing the battle of the aging process, including the increased risk of a significant list of chronic diseases that have been directly linked to free radical damage. In fact, chronic inflammation at the cellular level is the underlying cause of most of today’s significant diseases. However, not all antioxidant products are created equal.
ORAC scoring and Trevo
ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity and it is the standard method used in measuring antioxidant capacities of different foods. Through implementation of the very latest in nutraceutical technology, Trévo’s previous ORAC rating of 72,000 per bottle has been elevated to a phenomenal rating of over 373,000 per 32 ounce bottle! That’s nearly 12,000 per ounce! This record-breaking score has been tested and confirmed by the scientists at the world-renowned Brunswick Laboratories. This remarkable score is drastically higher than the vast majority of “name brand” antioxidant products – including any “juice drink” product on the market. Additionally, we are a member of Brunswick Laboratories’ Certification program. So when we say that Trévo’s ORAC score is over 373,000 per bottle, it really is a certified fact. What about CAP-e testing? Cell-based Antioxidant Protection in Erythrocytes (CAP-e) testing is the latest in cutting-edge antioxidant measurements. (Erythrocytes is the scientific term for red blood cells) CAP-e testing demonstrates whether natural products contain antioxidants capable of protecting live cells from free radical damage. When a protective effect is seen in the CAP-e testing, it shows a biologically meaningful antioxidant protection by the product. The results of Trévo’s CAP-e testing are particularly exciting in the fact they show how quickly and effectively its antioxidant benefits manifest on a cellular level. In testing Trévo, NIS Labs found that the antioxidant nutrients in just one-half ounce of Trévo are powerful enough to start providing measurable cellular protection!
Why are antioxidants important to your health?
Whether you know it or not, your body is being constantly attacked by very harmful substances known as free radicals. You can not see them, smell them or touch them, but they are always there, trying to destroy your cells, tissues and organs. In a nutshell, free radicals are atoms or molecules that contain unpaired electrons. Since electrons have an extremely strong tendency to exist in a paired rather than an unpaired state, free radicals indiscriminately pick up electrons from other atoms, which in turn converts those other atoms into secondary free radicals. This sets up a chain reaction which can cause substantial biological damage – damage such as premature aging and a large number of debilitating diseases. When this reaction is uncontrolled, it can generate millions of free radicals within seconds – damaging key enzymes, cell membranes and even the chromosomes that store our genetic material (DNA). Free radicals have been implicated in most known diseases of mankind, but especially in the chronic, degenerative diseases associated with the aging process. According to The New York Times, free radicals can be linked to over 60 chronic, debilitating diseases.* They can also cause severe reduction in cell function, DNA damage and even the premature death of a cell. Fortunately, our bodies have a built-in free radical fighting mechanism known as the antioxidant defense system which is comprised of specialized enzymes. In order to protect our bodies, however, these enzymes need help from antioxidant nutrients. These antioxidants protect the cells of your body against free radical damage by providing a layer of protection for the cells and tissues of the body; much like a fresh coat of wax helps protect a car’s finish.
Pure ,positive wellness on a cellular level

The bottom line is that the super-antioxidant power of Trévo is quickly absorbed into the cells of your body, protecting cellular health and extending the life of cells. This effectively helps to prevent premature cellular death as well as chronic cellular inflammation. The result? Vibrant good health, increased energy, enhanced mental focus and improved longevity. In other words, feeling better, looking younger and living longer! That’s the power of wellness … that’s the power of Trévo.
Contact me today for your order of Trevo

Call/SMS/Whatsapp : +254 725 879 248

Online purchase:

Tuesday 26 April 2016


Trévo Certifications
Trévo prides itself on its many certifications.
Trévo is fully product approved in the countries it is in.
Below you can read more on Trévo’s certifications and Dr. Brian Wilmovsky’s praise on the product.
(1) ORAC Certified Tested and certified by Brunswick Laboratories, scoring a phenomenal rating of over 373,000 per bottle.
(2) HALAL Certified: A food label is stamped HALAL if the contents of the food conform with Islamic dietary laws.
(3) Kosher Certified: An industrial Kosher certification allows Trévo to be available for everyone to consume, regardless of religious affiliation.
(4) CAP-e Certified Cell-based Antioxidant Protection in Erythrocytes (CAP-e) testing is the latest in cutting-edge antioxidant measurements
(5) Vegetarian: Trévo’s all-natural blend is 100% vegetarian, making it a wonderful nutritional option for nearly everyone, regardless of diet!
(6) Certified Drug Free: Trévo has been given the certified drug free seal by BSCG, the leader in supplement and certification testing.

BSCG offers a complete suite of dietary supplement certification and testing services. BSCG works with supplement brands, ingredient suppliers, manufacturing facilities, and individual teams and athletes to ensure the quality of dietary supplement products and ingredients and protect against contamination with drugs or other agents that can lead to health concerns or positive drug tests. Our BSCG Certified Drug Free® program provides protection against 483 drugs, more than any other program available. This includes 272 drugs on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Prohibited List and an additional 211 illicit, prescription and over-the-counter drugs not banned in sport that no other dietary supplement certification program covers. Certified Drug Free® includes a 21 CFR 111 Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) quality control process review, raw material and supplier review, and a general toxicology assessment. We also offer certification for label verification and contaminants under our Certified Quality™ program. Our Certified GMP™ program focuses on onsite audits for GMP compliance.
(8) IFDA CERTIFIED (International Food service Distributors Association).

Doctor’s Statement
Dr. Brian Wilmovsky Certified Chiropractic Wellness Practitioner
Dr. Brian Wilmovsky is a Certified Chiropractic Wellness Practitioner who is National Board Accredited and licensed in both California and Washington. He currently has a busy private practice in Olympia, Washington.
Widely recognized as one of the nation’s leading experts in achieving natural whole health, Wilmovsky is the best-selling author of Dream Health – How to Live a Healthy, Balanced Life in an Unbalanced World and is a frequent guest lecturer at the internationally-recognized Life West Chiropractic College. He is also a familiar guest wellness expert on a variety of national as well as international television programs including the Trinity Broadcast Network and DayStar.
Wilmovsky received his degree as a Doctor of Chiropractic from the prestigious Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1990, where he was honored as member of the Dean’s List. Prior to attending Palmer College of Chiropractic, Wilmovsky also attended Centralia College where he received an Associates of Science degree in 1987.
Wilmovsky is a member of several well-respected professional associations including the Washington State Chiropractic Association and the Chiropractic Coach Power Zone. Additionally, he is the founder of the philanthropic organization Chiro-Feed Christian Charity. By age 14, Wilmovsky knew that God has a special plan for his life. The Lord filled his heart with a love and joy that has carried him through and permeates his life today. It is his compassion and love for people that drives him to fulfill his mission of inspiring people to apply the scripture that hangs in his office: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. You must honor God with your body. I Corinthians 6:19.″
Wilmovsky has applied this time-honored principle to his life with great success. A Washington native, Wilmovsky enjoys spending time at home with his wife and their two children. Neither of their children has ever had a single prescription or inoculation in their lifetime. As for Wilmovsky and his house, they are “living the dream” that is DREAM Health in accordance with God’s design.
Trévo is “liquid power in a bottle!”
Excerpt of interview with wellness expert and best-selling author of the book Dream Health, Dr. Brian Wilmovsky
“Trévo gives your body the full spectrum of the nutrients that it needs for optimum health. You might wonder just what I mean by “optimum health” when it comes to the way your body functions. To my way of thinking, it’s a combination of elements that add up to more energy, a healthier body, and a good mental attitude. When your body achieves this kind of wholeness, it is more able to protect and heal itself naturally. And when wholeness is the goal, instead of merely addressing pain and disease, your body naturally moves toward health all by itself.
“In today’s fast-paced society, fast food and “meals on the run” are a way of life for millions of Americans. Unfortunately, our health as a nation is showing the devastating effects of this lifestyle. Even though the United States is the richest country on the face of the earth, it suffers from nutritional deficits and proliferating ailments. We eat until we are well past full, yet our bodies are starving for the nutrients that are woefully missing from the typical American diet of fat- and preservative-laden fast food meals. We simply are not getting the minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients that our bodies require. Intelligent supplementation has become a necessity for a healthy lifestyle.
“That is why I am such a strong proponent of Trévo. I have never seen a liquid nutritional formula that is so completely absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract or that works as well as this product does. Most of us know that the American Medical Association recommends that everyone take a multi-vitamin supplement. Again, the reason for this is that none of us are getting what we need from the foods we eat. But knowing what kind of supplement is best for one’s age group and individual needs can be extremely confusing. If you ever go down a store’s vitamin aisle, you will notice that there are vitamins for every age group. There are children’s vitamins, vitamins for teens, vitamins for women and for men, vitamins for seniors, and even vitamins for just about every health focus you can imagine.
“The beauty of Trévo is that, because it is so naturally bio-available, practically all of its nutrients are absorbed. Your body takes everything it needs and puts it all to work. And best of all, because of the way it is designed it will work just as well for a 2-year-old as it will for adults of all ages. I have found that when I start my day with two ounces of Trévo, it gives me the sustained energy I need.
“Even more important is the fact that, with Trévo, I don’t worry about ”crashing” from an energy standpoint. I stay alert both mentally and physically throughout my entire day, no matter how long that day is. Remember, your body is designed for you to be alert all day, to be able to meet the challenges of each day and Trévo helps your body achieve that fresh balance.
“Trévo never gives you a high-octane buzz or sugar-saturated rush. What it does do, however, is allow your body to do what it should do normally. What it was actually created to do. So you feel better and function better … naturally.
“Another thing I really appreciate about Trévo is that it helps you stop sabotaging your weight loss efforts. When you take a nutrient-packed product like Trévo that replaces what your body is lacking nutritionally, you will likely find that you no longer have a craving for that candy bar or that super-sized hamburger or those nachos. And when you refrain from eating fast foods that are nutritionally-empty and full of fat, it makes sense that you do not take in as many extra calories. As your total caloric intake decreases, so does your weight. The result is a slimmer, trimmer, more healthy you.”

Call me for your order of Trevo: +254 725 879 248

You can buy Trevo online:


Sunday 24 April 2016

WOMEN'S HEALTH ENEMY-Urinary Tract Infections

Women's health enemy — Urinary Tract Infections
A urinary tract infection, or UTI, is an infection of the urinary tract.The common situation is urine go through the healthy bladder, a sterile environment. But the bacteria, specially the escherichia coli around anus are easily go the converse way to bladder through urethra by the flow of urine.

According to a WHO report:
• The most common illness in adult women is not cold, but urinary infections.
• Over 50% of women suffer at least one time from urinary infections during their lifetime.
• Urinary infections occur in women are 9 times as often as in men.
• Studies indicate that over 44% of women have a relapse within one year as of the initial infection.
Are you suffering from any of the following?
• Urinary frequency and urinary emergency often with only a small amount of urine and the sensation of residual urine
• Dysuria: pain or burning during urination;
• Bad-smelling and turbid or red urine
• Abnormal secretions and lower abdominal pain
• Reduction of urinary secretions with itching sensation
The above symptoms all indicate possible UTIs!
TREVO has an unrivalled reputation of treating stubborn UTIs once and for all in addition to boosting immunity and reviving your sex life.
Make Trevo apartof you daily and enjoy good health.

Contact me today and place your order of Trevo

Call/SMS/Whatsapp: +254 725 879 248

You can purchase Trevo online,follow this link :


Good Nutrition, like the combinations found in TREVO, & a good diet can boost libido and ensure that the equipment is working well, so to speak. A poor diet contributes to a host of health issues, which can often find their way into the bedroom.
We have had many testimonies come in from couples that have the spark back in their relationship once they started drinking TREVO. Others have shared that they suffered from issues that caused them to have performance problems but after drinking TREVO they no longer struggle with this embarrassing issue.
Omega-3s (which is found in TREVO through the plant source flaxseed) improves heart health, and may reduce the risk of depression (which is often linked to the loss of sexual desire) by increasing dopamine production, and may have a positive impact on libido.

Arginine (in TREVO)
This amino acid is used by the body to make nitric oxide, and is important helping blood vessels relax, which correlates with better blood flow. Which is a positive thing for a man during love making.
Zinc (We have had amazing testimonies on babies being conceived when they were unable to conceive prior.)
Although the link between zinc and sexual health is not completely understood, it is known that this mineral is interrelated with the body’s production of testosterone, and is necessary for development of sperm/semen in men. Adequate zinc may boost male fertility. Zinc and other nutrients, such as folate, may also impact female fertility.

Being Overweight or Obese
(TREVO supports healthy weight management)
Obesity has been linked to lower fertility. It may also damage self-esteem, which can affect libido and the desire to be intimate.

High Blood Pressure
(We have had many testimonies from individuals that their Doctor's took them off of blood pressure meds after they began TREVO)
Excess sodium can increase blood pressure and limit blood flow. High blood pressure has negative sexual effects for both men and women: Certain blood pressure medications can cause undesired sexual side effects.

High Cholesterol
(TREVO does a natural chelation off the arteries, which is one reason individuals have positive results lowering cholesterol)
A diet high in saturated fat and/or trans fats can increase “bad” LDL cholesterol. Too much LDL cholesterol may lead to buildup of plaque in arteries, which can limit blood flow and contribute to atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is the underlying cause of most heart disease.

The nutrients in TREVO provide amazing stamina & energy. Many people state "they feel alive again like they did when they were much younger".
Add the stamina and energy to the above results, with Trevo, and things will surely HEAT UP AGAIN!
Contact me for your order of Trevo

Call/Sms/Whatsapp: +254 725 879 248

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Living Healthy with Trevo

Make Trevo apart of you daily !

Did you know that you can get what your body needs just by eating a colorful variety of fruits and vegetables? Nature has found a clever way to highlight the nutrients in foods: different nutrients actually impart different colors to the foods they’re in.

Blue, Purple & Deep Red
Blue, purple and deep-red fruits and vegetables are full of anthocyanins and proanthocyanins, antioxidants associated with keeping the heart healthy and the brain functioning optimally.

Green, (cruciferous)
Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and kale, provide compounds called indoles and isothiocyanates, which may help prevent cancer by amping up the production of enzymes that clear toxins from the body.
Yellow & Green, part 2 (leafy greens)
Many yellow and green vegetables are good sources of lutein and zeaxanthin, phytochemicals that accumulate in the eyes and help prevent age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness in older people. Leafy greens are also rich in beta carotene.

Alpha and beta carotene make foods like carrots and sweet potatoes so brilliantly orange. The body converts these compounds into the active form of vitamin A, which helps keep your eyes, bones and immune system healthy. These phytochemicals also operate as antioxidants, sweeping up disease-promoting free radicals.

Red foods, such as tomatoes and watermelon, contain lycopene, a phytochemical that may help protect against prostate and breast cancers.
Trevo has all these colored fruits and vegetables in it's 174 plant source formula.

Call me/Text/Whatsapp : +254 725 879 248  for your order.

You can purchase online:

Monday 21 March 2016



(Look at the ingredients in Trevo in the picture that support healthy blood pressure)

These days, blood pressure is continuously spoken everywhere and while several individuals understand it is significant, a number are not sure vis-à-vis what is a blood pressure and how low or high blood pressure actually disturbs personal wellbeing. It is definite that blood pressure is a prevailing issue that is referenced about in all places one goes. Albeit majority of the people discern that it is essential, smaller number of people indeed recognize why it is so essential to the condition of your healthiness.
The blood pressure is certainly a thing stuck on folks’ thoughts and conversed regularly. Nevertheless,
not everybody is certain about precisely what it is.

What is blood pressure ?
What is a blood pressure ? Blood pressure is the pressure through which the heart is pumping blood
within the blood vessels. Pressure enables the blood to move throughout the body and flow both
upstream and downstream as when it is conveyed from the legs back upwards towards the heart. Blood
is continuously being transferred throughout the body by means of one’s blood vessels, veins, and arteries. Blood thrusts against the walls of the vessels as it flows through.

Normal blood pressure
In the medical field, low blood pressure is regarded as hypotension, particularly in the arteries of the
systemic flow. Blood pressure is quantified in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) and detailed as two
• Diastolic pressure, this is the pressure when your heart pauses between pulses
• Systolic pressure, regarded as the pressure when your heart thumps and forces blood into the
The heart propels a continuous flow of blood round the body through veins, arteries, and capillaries.
Normal blood pressure is around 90/60mHg and 140/90mmHg. Sleeplessness, hormonal imbalances,
some ailments associating to heart may too cause radical variations in blood pressure. A big variation
in the blood pressure scale certainly replicates that blood is short of iron and oxygen. It is functional to
examine hemoglobin count occasionally.

Low blood pressure
Persons with a blood pressure of below 90/60 are normally considered as having low blood pressure.
It may curb the amount of blood reaching the brain and other vital parts that may instigate,
treacherousness, lightheadedness, nausea or passing out. The patient might have fit systoles count, but
deteriorating diastoles; this is low blood pressure. The person is likely to collapse or feel insensitive at
unusual times. The patient might also struggle with profuse perspiring.

High blood pressur
A person with a reading of beyond 140/90mmHg without doubt suffer high blood pressure, which places
one in a threat of growing stern health disorders, such as shock or stroke. In case there is a fast rise in this pressure, it implies that the patient might be suffering monstrous trauma. The nutrition might also
be flawed. If the systole is elevated and the diastole regular, the patient is said to suffer from high blood pressure or hypertension. He or she can thenceforth have less control over fury, additional sugars or
salts in their food would be risky to his well-being, and might suffer digestive difficulties.
Well, with all the above apt gen, the hot topics and unending thirst to know what a blood pressure is,
nothing has been left unturned concerning the same. Be informed.

contact me for more information : +254 725 879 248

You can buy Trevo online,follow this link :


Friday 18 March 2016


Wow! Trevo testimony. Oh i love this product. I will share it with the whole world.Feel free to contact me for more information.

Maybe many may not have heard of me mention it. Maybe some may have heard of it. But when i was sick, as is my habit i was always online chatting up people. I met Richardson a nigerian who tried to convince to join Trevo MLM business. He explained that Trevo is a combination of 174 natural plant supplements and if consumed, works by restoring, rejuvenating all at the cellular level. Of course i dismissed him. He referred me to their office in Nairobi and i told him i will contact them.
At this time i was admitted at Nairobi Hospital for T67 joint condition, which made me be completely paralysed from the stomach down. I couldn't feel my legs. My short and long calls weren't controllable. I was depressed. A time came even my intestines couldn't function and i was constipated causing the hospital to administer constipation medicine to force me to go for long calls. The doctors tried all from CT Scans, MRIs, Urine and blood analysis and Chest XRays and didn't come up with any diagnosis. They opted for normal therapy to activate the nerves all in vain. Actually i was seen by 4 different specialists including two medical professors. After two and a half weeks of admission, i was discharged. I can never forget that day in late September 2015 as i was being wheeled out of the ward and driven home to start my home self-therapy. It was sad, out of nowhere, life had changed!
When i got home i decided to accept my condition but undertake physiotherapy sessions to exercise my muscles with the help of a caretaker. I remembered Richardson's advice and he hooked me up with Sarah of Trevo Nairobi to sample the product. I bought a bottle of the supplement which pushed me for two weeks. I started seeing changes. First i was able to feel and move my limbs. I left using the wheelchair. At exactly two weeks on discharge from hospital, i was able to crawl and walk holding walls. I called Sarah and asked her for a second bottle. When she delivered, i walked and opened the door for her. She was amazed.
I went on using the supplement and did physio till i advanced to using two crutches until now i use one. I can now comfortably walk with no support!
I am writing this so that many of us out there who are suffering due to diseases may know there is a solution! I have attached pictures from my days when i was in hospital until now when am back to work for proof. I went to see my Doc last week on Friday for my medical review and he was amazed to see me walk. He said that in during the first clinic i went pushed in a wheel chair. When he saw me walk, it was a miracle. They had given up on me altogether. But i thank God am back to my feet from complete paralysis! I have read of people being cured of asthma, cancer, evwn recover from HIV etc from consuming Trevo but i have experienced first hand complete healing from paralysis through this drink! - Michael.

My contact : +254 725 879 248 for your order of Trevo

 DISCLAIMER: The statements made herein have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). This product is in no way intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease.If a condition persists, please contact your physician. The information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with your physician, and should not be construed as individual medical advice. The testimonials on this website are individual cases and do not guarantee that you will get the same results.

Friday 12 February 2016


Trevo's Powerful Vitamin B Complex

Three Cheers for the B's !

The individual nutrients that make up the vitamin B complex are critical for your health. And getting these crucial vitamins couldn't be easier or more delicious. Trevo's all - natural, nutrient-dense formula contains all eight essential B vitamins: B1( thiamine), B2( Riboflavin), B3(Niacin), B5(pantothenic acid), B6(pyridoxine), B7(biotin), B9(folate), and B12(cynocobalamin).

Each B vitamin is unique in structure and is uniquely essential to specific bodily functions.For example:
• B1 and B2 are important for healthy functioning of the muscles, nerves, and heart.
• B3 helps regulate the nervous and digestive systems
• B5 and B12 are required for normal growth and development.
• B6 supports the immune system and aids the body in breaking down protein.
• B7 is involved in the production of hormones
• B9 helps cells make and maintain DNA

B vitamins also help produce energy and form red blood cells. Plus, some B vitamins help cells burn fats. Others help make neutrotransmitters like serotonin. And some B's assist with the production and repair of DNA.

Unfortunately, many of us do not get enough B's, according to the USDA. In fact, deficiencies in folic acid ( also called vitamin B9) as well as B12 and B6 are surprisingly common.

So what can you do to make sure you are getting all the B complex vitamins that your body needs?

Be sure to include plenty of dark, leafy greens (excellent sources of B2 and B9) in your daily diet as well as citrus fruits(B6 and B7), culiflower(B7), and whole grains (B1, B2 and B3). And of course , start every day with the delicious super- nutrition of Trevo !

Containing pure, all- natural vitamin B complex ingredients as well as a wealth of other powerful nutrients from around the globe, Trevo is the best way for you and your family to:
• Restore vital energy and mental focus
• Renew your body's systems and function support
• Restore anti-aging and immune function support

So lets give three cheers for some of natures most powerful, benefit-laden nutrients - the B vitamins !

Call/Text/Whatsapp: +254 725 879 249 to order your bottle of Trevo

Or buy online


Don't watch helplessly as your loved ones suffer debilitating health issues. Restore, Renew and Revive their body's systems with Trevo!
Create an account for their supply. Contact me: +254 725 879 248 for more information or login to for online purchase


The CLIMB to the top is never about reaching the summit.
Every level you reach along the way should be CELEBRATED, and that's what Trevo's Elevate is all about.
Wherever you are, and whatever your NEXT LEVEL is, YOU can achieve it through the POWER of Trevo!
Don't waste another minute allowing your circumstances to limit YOU and YOUR SUCCESS.
Commit NOW to truly elevating yourself, your health, your business and your lifestyle in 2016. Shift your focus from the things that are holding you back to the things you want to achieve!
No matter where you are today, envision where you want to be TOMORROW, and commit every part of yourself to reaching that NEXT LEVEL!
Elevate Online 
Looking for 20 people who truly want to move to the NEXT LEVEL! Contact me: +254 725 879 248

Monday 8 February 2016

6 Nutrients you will get in Trevo

Thanks to the wide variety and availability of nutritious foods in the United States, nutrient deficiencies are not a common occurrence. Yet, some of us may be falling below the recommended daily allowances setting us up for a subpar nutrient status. Lacking an optimal nutritional standing can manifest itself in many ways - disrupting digestion, metabolism, nerve and enzyme function and water balance. Certain medical conditions such as osteoporosis and osteopenia due to deficiencies of calcium or vitamin D and anemia caused by insufficient iron intake, can have long term effects making it important to recognize which nutrients many of us may be coming up short in.

1. Iron
This mineral is a part of the protein hemoglobin which carries oxygen in the blood and is part of the protein myoglobin in muscles making oxygen available for muscle contraction. Young children and pregnant women are at risk due to rapid growth and higher iron needs. Adolescent girls and women of childbearing age are also at risk due to menstruation.
Symptoms of iron deficiency – Anemia, weakness, fatigue, pale skin, pale concave nails, headaches, inability to concentrate and lowered cold tolerance.
Food sources – Beef, beef and chicken liver, chicken, turkey, spinach, black beans, navy beans, swiss chard, iron-fortified cereals, and fish. Iron from animal sources are absorbed better than iron from plant sources.

2. Calcium
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body. It’s the main mineral of our bones and teeth. It’s also necessary for normal muscle contraction and relaxation, nerve functioning, blood clotting, blood pressure, and regulation of cell activities.
Symptoms of a calcium deficiency – Stunted growth in children, adult bone loss resulting in osteopenia or osteoporosis, fatigue, muscle cramps, and abnormal heart rhythms.
Food sources – Dairy foods (milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese) tofu, broccoli, turnip greens, and sardines.

3. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is necessary for mineralization of our bones by helping to absorb calcium and phosphorus.
Symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency – Abnormal growth in children (rickets) and bowing of the legs, joint pain, weakness and malformed teeth.
Food sources – Fatty fish such as salmon and tuna, milk fortified with vitamin D, enriched cereals, and the best source is the nonfood source of spending time outdoors in the sun.

4. Iodine
Iodine is part of the thyroid hormone thyroxine which helps us regulate growth and our metabolism or the rate in which we burn calories. Women between the ages of 20-39 tend to have the lowest intakes of iodine.
Symptoms of an iodine deficiency – The development of a goiter, cretinism, and hypothyroidism.
Food sources – Table salt containing iodine, cod, haddock, shrimp, tuna, milk, seaweed and plants grown in iodine rich soil.

5. Magnesium
Magnesium is involved in bone mineralization, the building of protein, enzyme action, normal muscle function, transmission of nerve impulses and maintenance of our teeth. It’s estimated that up to 80% of Americans are not getting enough magnesium in their diets.
Symptoms of a magnesium deficiency – Unexplained weakness or fatigue, muscle twitches, appetite loss, confusion, and abnormal heart rhythms.
Food sources – Dark leafy greens such as spinach, collard greens, kale or Swiss chard, soybeans, avocados, bananas, dark chocolate, low-fat yogurt, and fish.

6. Potassium
Potassium is involved in the maintenance of the fluid and electrolyte balance, transmission of nerve impulses, contraction of muscles including the heart to beat properly and to regulate blood pressure. Low potassium is known as hypokalemia and is more common in people with eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, or people with AIDS, alcoholics and those who have had bariatric surgery. About one out of every five people hospitalized in the United States has a low potassium level.
Symptoms of a potassium deficiency – Weakness, tiredness, cramping in arm or leg muscles, tingling or numbness, nausea or vomiting, constipation, palpitations of the heart, and fainting due to low blood pressure. Potassium deficiencies also usually accompany dehydration.
Food sources – Bananas, honeydew melon, baked potato, lentils, salmon, winter squash, sweet potato, yogurt, halibut, cantaloupe, milk, pistachios, raisins, chicken breast and tuna.
In conclusion

The best way to avoid a nutrient deficiency is to eat a well-balanced diet and to be familiar with the characteristics of a nutritious diet. These characteristics are:
1. Adequacy – The foods you choose provide enough of each essential nutrient, fiber and calories.
2. Balance – The choices you make do not overemphasize one nutrient or food at the expense of another.
3. Calorie control – You eat enough food to provide the amount of energy you need to maintain an appropriate weight for your height.
4. Moderation – You avoid foods providing an excess amount of fat, salt, sugar or other unnecessary ingredients.
5. Variety – The foods you choose from day to day differ so you are obtaining a wide variety of various nutrients needed for good health.
If you follow these characteristics on a daily basis, your chance of having a nutrient deficiency will be reduced to a bare minimum.

contact: +254 725 879 248

Wednesday 27 January 2016

TREVO -High Quality Eco-Friendly "Liquid Health In a Bottle"

Trévo Gives You High-Quality, Eco-Friendly “Liquid Health In A Bottle!”

• Trévo embraces current efforts to preserve our planet and its resources. The Trévo packaging is completely bio-degradable, ensuring that our bottles will never contribute to the increasing dilemma of landfills overflowing with non biodegradable plastic bottles that will still be intact hundreds of years from now.

• All of our product’s ingredients are 100 percent vegetarian and a number of these high-quality natural ingredients are even certified organic.

• Trévo’s one-of-a-kind nutraceutical product is blended and bottled in a CGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices) facility. This facility not only meets, but exceeds the FDA’s Code of Federal Regulations.

• Trévo is a member of the prestigious Brunswick Laboratories ORAC Certification Program. ORAC stands for “Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity” and it is a proven method of measuring the antioxidant capacities of different foods. ORAC antioxidant scoring is so accurate that it has been adopted by the USDA Human Nutrition Center on Aging. Trévo has its liquid nutraceutical product routinely tested by the scientists at Brunswick Labs, so when we say that Trévo’s ORAC score is over 373,000 per bottle, it is a certified fact.

Make Trevo apart of you and your family.

Contact me whatsapp/sms/call :  +254 725 879 248

Tuesday 26 January 2016

TREVO'S 3- Phase Formula


The first phase is called “RESTORE.” It is designed to restore vital energy and mental focus naturally by stimulating your body with a myriad of powerful nutraceuticals including fabulous energy-enhancing botanicals and superfruits such as gotu kola, ashwagandha, borojo, bacopa, schizandra fruit, Korean ginseng and noni fruit. We have also included energy boosting essential vitamins and minerals, amino acids, plant and sea trace minerals, Co-enzyme Q10, alpha lipoic acid and grape seed extract.

The second phase is called “RENEW.” It is designed to renew your body with a proprietary phytonutrient-rich blend of life-giving fruits, vegetables and sea vegetables as well as essential fatty acids from borage seed oil and flaxseed oil. Plus it features chlorella, blue green spirulina, barley grass, kelp and wheatgrass, which are all referred to as green superfoods.

The third phase is called “REVIVE.” This phase is designed to revive your body’s anti-aging and immune function support with exotic, free radical-fighting super-antioxidants such as camu camu, maqui berries, mangosteen, acai berries, amalaki fruit, acerola cherries and goji berries. We have also included potent coral calcium complex as well as phytonutrient-packed herbs like ellagic acid, graviola, turmeric, green tea, lycopene, milk thistle, pau d’arco, cat’s claw, bilberry and hawthorne berry.

Only 2 oz a day to enjoy the benefits of Trevo.

Contact me: +254 725 879 248

Monday 25 January 2016

TREVO-174 Nature's finest Nutracutical suppliments in One Bottle

Does your DIET have nutritional gaps? Some of you may say "No" but the truth is we all have nutritional gaps in our diets. If we didn't, then most of us would not fall to illness. Do you know that the human body has the capability to heal itself & prevent itself from disease? All you need to do is Eat nutrient-dense food & that's where Supplementation comes in! Trévo's is the supplement that we've all been searching for to fuel our body & let nature take its course. Get on Trévo today & experience less/no food cravings, increased energy to get you through the day, mental focus to keep you alert, & a healthy, protected, vibrant, youthful and beautiful you. I'm telling you, # Trevo is the answer to our nutrient-depleted diets! Go on, try it today & reap Health! 

Make Trevo apart of you and your family daily.
Contact :+254 725 879 248 for your order

online purchase,click:

POWER OF TREVO (Chlorella)

2 Powerful Ways Chlorella Benefits Your Body!
Chlorella benefits your body from head to toe. It's been shown to :
     Keep your mind sharp and alert.
     Support eagle eyesight
     Help your heart pump blood through flexible, healthy arteries
     Keep digestion easy and comfortable
     Sustain a sturdy immune system
     And keep every joint moving smoothly right down to your littlest toe.
When you start to take chlorella, you'll feel a boost in energy, see changes in your skin and hair, sleep better . . . you may even lose a few pounds!
You'll be amazed at how good you feel.

How Can All These Benefits Come From Chlorella – One Tiny Little Alga?
In conventional healthcare every part of the body is segmented up for separate treatment. So it may seem strange that one tiny little alga can support so many areas of health.
But when you understand how chlorella works, you'll understand why there are so many benefits in taking it.
Mark Drucker, M.D. from the Center for Advanced Medicine explains it like this, "Chlorella is one of the best overall nutritional products a person can take. It works on the two key elements that control our health . . ."
It provides us with a tremendous amount of nourishment; andIt helps our body rid itself of toxins that destroy our health.
Chlorella's superfood nutrition gives your body what it needs to take care of itself.
When your body has the nutritional building blocks it needs, it can more easily renew itself. It can build new cells and tissues, construct essential enzymes and activate biochemical processes without a hitch.
Chlorella's healthy fats, complete set of amino acids, good supply of fiber, unique chlorella growth factor, and 20 vitamins and minerals give your body the nutrition it craves.
And its special chlorella growth factor, unique to chlorella, gives your body a one-of-a-kind mix of nucleic acids and polysaccharides that support healthy cell renewal and immune system activity.
But chlorella doesn't stop there . . .

The Toxin Removal Benefits Of Chlorella
Not only does it give you what you need, chlorella takes away what's dragging you down.
Decades of research show it speeds your body's ability to remove heavy metals, pesticides, dioxin and more. The chlorophyll in each chlorella cell combined with its special cell wall fibers help your body get rid of these otherwise persistent toxins.
Imagine trying to go through your day dragging a big bag of garbage behind you. Think about how carrying around all this stinky junk slows you down and tires you out.
That's what toxins do to your body. Except they're not a bag slung over your shoulder. They're inside you, in every nook and cranny, getting in the way of everything your body needs to do.
Even worse, sometimes they actively work to destroy your healthy tissue and create chaos in your body's chemical reactions.
With chlorella's help you can get rid of this interference, allowing your body to work at its most efficient.
We have inside of each of us a tremendous capacity for good health. But to tap into this capacity, you need to give your body what it needs to do its job.
As Dr. Drucker explains, "The body can heal itself when given the right compounds."

Contact me for your order of Trevo: +254 725 879 248
You can also purchase your bottle/s online: