Monday 21 September 2015


To buy your bottle/s of Trevo go to :
OR #Trevo Customer ID # 4583273

Call / whatsapp: +254 725 879 248

Free Radicals
Free radicals produce harmful oxidation that can damage the membranes of cells. By definition, they are atoms with at least one unpaired electron. A good analogy would be that free radicals represent the criminal element in your body and antioxidants represent the law enforcement element. If left alone, free radicals produce damage and chaos. Daily use of Trévo™ provides your body with high levels of antioxidants from multiple sources to inhibit and slow down this damaging process. 

Herbs represent thousands of plants that have traditionally been used by cultures around the world as both medicine and food. In fact, herbs have been used by the Chinese for over 4,000 years to promote health and as healing agents. It has been estimated that as much as 90% of all modern pharmaceutical drugs have been synthesized from herbs. Drugs, however, can produce dangerous side effects, and are typically intended to treat symptoms without addressing their underlying causes. There are no known side effects attributed to the use of herbs. Herbs are nutritional foundation nutrients and good alternative medicine to nourish the body’s deepest and most basic elements.

Medicinal herbs have been used safely and effectively since the time of recorded history for an endless list of reasons from health, healing and weight loss/gain/maintenance to survival and more. Herbs can offer the body nutrients it does not always receive, either from a poor diet or environmental deficiencies in the soil and air. They are great body balancers that help regulate body functions.

As important as vitamins are, they can do nothing for you without minerals. Vitamins cannot be assimilated without the aid of minerals. Although the body can manufacture a few vitamins, it cannot manufacture a single mineral. All tissue and internal fluids contain varying quantities of minerals. Minerals are constituents of the bones, teeth, soft tissue, muscle, blood and nerve cells. They are vital to overall mental and physical well-being. Minerals act as catalysts for many biological reactions within the body, including muscle response, the transmission of messages through the nervous system, and the utilization of nutrients in food.

ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. This scientific analysis is a proven method of measuring the antioxidant capacities of different foods. This antioxidant testing method is so accurate that it has been adopted by the USDA Human Nutrition Center on Aging. ORAC scoring measures an antioxidant’s scavenging capacity against free radicals, which have been shown to cause cell damage as well as premature aging of cells, in turn leading to disease. Trévo™ has an extremely high ORAC score of over 373,000 per 32 ounce bottle. That is nearly 12,000 per ounce as certified by Brunswick Laboratories.



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call / whatsapp: +254 725 879 248

“After taking Trévo for a period of time, I have cut my blood pressure medication in half. I recently had some blood work done and all my tests results were within healthy ranges … the best they’ve been in 5 years! I have lost 11 pounds and kept it off without even trying, and that’s even without eating a proper diet or exercising. I attribute all these positive results to Trévo.”"

"“I had breast cancer surgery in April 2011, followed by two additional surgeries a week later. The morning after my last surgery, I drank two ounces of Trévo and went shopping with my daughter! Through the other two surgeries, as long as I drank my Trévo every day, I did fine. My stamina is increasing, but without enjoying Trévo daily I either can’t sleep or want to sleep all the time. I have found that if I take at least two ounces of Trévo first thing in the morning, I make it through the whole day. I just can’t go without my Trévo. Thank you for such a wonderful product!”"
Cathy H.

"“Trévo is a great way to stay healthy and keep my weight on target. I am 53 years old and a very active grandmother of five wonderful grandchildren. My health has never been better and is helping me maintain a healthy, lean body. Plus, the energy is amazing. Thank you, Trévo!”"
Paula P.

"“I was tired of taking medications to address my high blood glucose problems. I was curious about all the great things I had been hearing about Trévo, so I decided to try it for myself. Today, my blood sugar levels have returned to normal and my overall health is much better. The stiffness in my joints is even gone! Thanks, Trévo.”"
Marta, Guatemala

"I was introduced to Trévo while going through chemo for breast cancer. I found that when I included 3 oz. of Trévo with my breakfast, I didn’t suffer the kind of extreme fatigue, nausea, or other ill effects associated with chemotherapy. In fact, my doctor said that he thought the extra nutrition helped improve my cellular health as well as my overall health.”"
Jean P.

"“I’ve been a Type II diabetic for over 6 years. I started taking Trévo 3 weeks ago, and my blood sugar is nearly normal … from 120 units of insulin a day! And I have lost 10 lbs. on this remarkable product! Wow!”"
Ron S.

YES to the Power of Wellness Today!
Trévo Supports:
mental focus Mental Focus and Cognition
Weight Management
Heart Health (Cardiovascular)
Cellular Health
Digestive and Gastrointestinal Health
Nervous System Health
Immune System Health
Circulatory System Health
eye Eye Health
Bone and Joint Health
Blood Pressure Healt
Vibrant Good Health
Increased Energy
Powerful Anti-Aging Benefits
Blood Sugar Health

Sunday 13 September 2015


CONTACT:+254 725 879 248
To buy bottle/s of Trevo online go to this link : http//
OR  #Trevo Customer ID # 4583273

Our last underwater adventure took us to the gloriously blue waters surrounding the islands of Okinawa, Japan. There, the pristine Pacific is home to a very unique form of coral; Sango coral, to be exact. As far back as the 1700’s, this particular type of coral was found in European medical reference books as “coral to purify the blood.” (“Palestra Farmaceutica Quimico-Alencia” anno 1792 by Felix Palacios) The startling benefits of the naturally-occurring coral calcium complex derived from Sango coral took the modern-day center stage in 1979, when a British journalist from the Guinness Book of Records went on assignment to the islands of Okinawa and Tokunoshima off the coast of Japan to interview the world’s oldest documented living person. What this journalist found was not only a man 115 years old with remarkably good health and vitality who had worked until the age of 105, but also that most of the islands’ inhabitants seemed to enjoy similar good health and longevity. Soon, a team of researchers arrived and made an important discovery. They found that these islanders had one thing in common. The water they drank was different from water found anywhere else in the world, apparently due to its high coral calcium content. Upon analysis of coral calcium complex, it was discovered that this nutritional wonder contains over 70 trace minerals essential to life, as well as a wealth of antioxidants and a form of calcium that is exceptionally bio-absorbable. It even appears to be beneficial in maintaining the body’s ideal pH balance, which is vital for long-lasting good health. But we wanted Trévo to be much more than just an exotic fruit or herbal drink. We wanted it to become the embodiment of the phrase “super-nutrition.” So we included all the vitamins and minerals that medical research has found to be essential for vibrant good health, increased energy, enhanced mental focus, and a sustained sense of well-being. However, we did not stop there. Scientists and physicians alike understand the importance of essential fatty acids, amino acidsand supergreen foods, as well as a good variety of fruits and vegetables in order to restore and maintain good health. So our chemists and world class formulators set out to raise the nutritional bar even higher. For example, Trévo contains a full complement of vegetarian-based amino acids because without amino acids all of the metabolic processes necessary to spark and sustain human life would simply not be possible. Amino acids form the proteins that in turn form muscle tissue and increase fat metabolism. Look in the cupboard of just about any serious athlete and you will likely find some kind of amino acid supplement product designed to help them increase strength, build muscle tissue or otherwise enhance their athletic performance. However, amino acids are not just important to those who wish to “bulk up.” Without amino acids, all cellular development, respiration or renewal would come to a devastating stop. Similarly, essential fatty acids are … well, essential. Essential fatty acids, sometimes simply referred to as EFAs, are necessary fats that the human body cannot synthesize and must be obtained through diet. EFAs support the cardiovascular, reproductive, immune and nervous systems.
The human body needs EFAs to manufacture and repair cell membranes, enabling the cells to obtain optimum nutrition and expel harmful waste products. Trévo provides a wealth of Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids by including two botanicals that are naturally rich in EFAs – borage seed oil and flaxseed oil. No unpleasant “fishy” taste, just wonderfully fresh, completely vegetarian-source essential fatty acids. Supergreen foods such as wheatgrass, barley grass, alfalfa, spirulina, chlorella and kelp are some of the other nutritional treasures included in Trévo’s remarkable formulation. VITAMIN C
For example, researchers agree that wheatgrass, which is the delicate, immature wheat plant before it produces seeds, is loaded with protein, containing more of this nutrient than meat, eggs, fish or dairy products. Similarly, barley grassis rich in amino acids, enzymes, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, mangangese, zinc, beta carotene, B vitamins, vitamins C and E and selenium. Rich in B-complex vitamins, chlorella contains more pantothenic acid (an anti-stress nutrient) than any other natural source. It also boasts magnesium and other trace minerals and is an all-purpose cleanser than can rid the body of many environmental toxins. Spirulina, like wheatgrass, is a particularly rich source of protein.
It is also one of the few plant sources of vitamin B-12 and is a good source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and free radical-fighting antioxidants. At the conclusion of Trévo’s global search for the secret of wellness, we had compiled 174 of the finest and most astonishing ingredients that nature has to offer, gathered from the far reaches of the globe. The result is a carefully balance nutritional product that is so unique, so revolutionary, that there is literally no other product like it on the market anywhere. With Trévo, you and your family can enjoy the benefits of truly complete nutrition.
The beauty of our globe-spanning formulation is that it actually replaces what the body is missing from today’s nutrient-depleted diets. And, because of the way our scientists have designed its formulation, Trévo will work just as well for a 2-year-old as it will for adults of all ages. It really is the best of all nutritional worlds! It is, in fact, the answer to your family’s need for complete, natural nutrition. So, are you ready to enjoy increased energy, enhanced mental focus, vibrant good health and even weight management support? If so, Trévo is the answer you have been searching for.
DISCLAIMER: The statements made herein have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). This product is in no way intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease.If a condition persists, please contact your physician. The information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with your physician, and should not be construed as individual medical advice. The testimonials on this website are individual cases and do not guarantee that you will get the same results.

TREVO'S CREATION -big blue marble

CONTACT: +254 725 879 248


Next we dove into the brilliant blue oceans that have given our planet the nickname of “the big blue marble.” The first “pearl” of underwater nutrition that we encountered was the sea vegetable called bladderwrack. Now, bladderwrack has been a part of natural medicine for centuries, with recorded use dating back to at least the 19th century. Sometimes called “sea wrack,” bladderwrack was found to be particularly beneficial in the treatment of thyroid disorders and obesity. Even back then, physicians found that the high iodine content of this herb appeared to stimulate thyroid function, which boosted metabolism. Nutritionally, bladderwrack is rich in iodine, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulfur, silicon and iron and high in some B-complex vitamins. In addition to phosphorus, selenium, manganese, zinc and small amounts of vitamins A, C, E and G, bladderwrack also contains the anti-sterility vitamin S.
Swimming on through the sparkling forests of sea vegetables, we found another amazing sea vegetable called dulse. Found in the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, an absolutely charming legend surrounds the delicate dulse. In the coastal villages of Northern Ireland, it is often said that throwing dulse into a body of water will bring peace to the thrower. To this day, it is not uncommon to find sandwiches of bread and nutrient-rich dulse leaves gracing the lunch tables of Ireland. When it comes to nutrition, though, dulse is much more than folklore. Possessing a mildly spicy flavor, dulse is extremely high in vitamins B6 and B12, as well as iron, potassium and fluoride. Unlike other sea vegetables, it is relatively low in sodium. This delicious sea vegetable also contains a large shopping list of other vitamins and nutrients, including vitamins C, E, and A, magnesium, calcium, dietary fiber and protein. Additionally, dulse is a natural source for Iodine, essential for thyroid gland and thyroid hormone secretion.
DISCLAIMER: The statements made herein have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). This product is in no way intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease.If a condition persists, please contact your physician. The information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with your physician, and should not be construed as individual medical advice. The testimonials on this website are individual cases and do not guarantee that you will get the same results.


.Or you can call or whatsapp through this number:+254 725 879 248

We then turned our attention to the wealth of nutritionally-rich exotic fruits found in the glorious South Pacific area. Our tropical trek brought us to the amazing noni. This miraculous plant was named “noni” by ancient Hawaiian healers who treasured its astounding medicinal properties. References to the use of noni date back many centuries and there are almost 40 recorded herbal remedies from these healers of old that involve combinations of the noni root, stems, bark, leaves, flowers and fruit. In fact, medicinal use of the noni plant is even mentioned in ancient Sanskrit writings from India. From a nutritional standpoint, this tropical powerhouse has long been known for its beneficial effect when it comes to emotional and mental wellness. And although the jury is still out on precisely what makes noni work, a number of clinical studies indicate that noni’s high xeronine content works at a cellular level, making noni extremely helpful for burns, digestion, heart health and immune system health. Plus, its antioxidant properties are quite possibly an important key in unlocking the secrets of anti-aging and longevity.

DISCLAIMER: The statements made herein have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). This product is in no way intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease.If a condition persists, please contact your physician. The information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with your physician, and should not be construed as individual medical advice. The testimonials on this website are individual cases and do not guarantee that you will get the same results.


FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT: ......Or call +254 725 879 248
The next stop on our worldwide quest was the beautiful South China Sea where we found a delicious fruit with quite a royal name. The mangosteen fruit has such an exquisite flavor that it has been given the nickname of the”Queen of Fruits.” Interestingly, mangosteen has been used for thousands of years in Chinese, Ayurvedic and folk medicine in Asia. Dried and ground, these traditional medical practices used the rind against internal and external infections. Poultices of the whole mangosteen were used to treat skin conditions, and an extract of mangosteen pulp was used to control fever. The mangosteen has also been reported to have been relied upon as nutrition for individuals who, because of illness, were unable to eat other foods. Exceptionally rich in xanthones and antioxidant-packed nutrients, mangosteen is not only a wonderfully delicious superfood, it also offers up amazing health benefits.
Mangosteen fruit, which comes from a tropical evergreen tree, is an off-the-charts antioxidant. Its properties offer potent support for cardiovascular system health, circulatory system health, immune system health, and may even offer enhanced cognitive benefits. Mangosteen also appears to possess anti-inflammatory properties.
DISCLAIMER: The statements made herein have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). This product is in no way intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease.If a condition persists, please contact your physician. The information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with your physician, and should not be construed as individual medical advice. The testimonials on this website are individual cases and do not guarantee that you will get the same results.


call / whatsapp: +254 725 879 248
Next, we turned our investigation toward the mysterious Far East. There we discovered marvelous stories of remarkable longevity and good health, even in extremely remote and undeveloped villages. These stories all seemed to be connected to the wonders of centuries-old Ayurvedic traditional medicine. Roughly translated, the word Ayurveda, or Ayurvedic, means “the science of life.” We began our research of the Far East in northern India, where we found the amalaki tree. This amazing tree enjoys a prominent position in Indian culture and is celebrated during the amalaki fruit harvesting season. Under the glow of a full moon, families gather under nearby amalaki trees and give thanks for the bounty of these trees. Folklore says that even just sitting under an amalaki tree will lead to greater vitality, strength and overall health. Amalaki is highly regarded in Ayurveda for promoting the perfect digestion that leads to radiant health and youthful aging as well as shining eyes, skin and hair. Next, we discovered that the fabulous bacopa has been revered for centuries in the Ayurvedic herbal traditions of India.
It is said that the use of bacopa for memory enhancement goes back 3,000 years or more in India, when it was discovered to benefit brain function, including memory and learning skills, and to help manage anxiety, depression and stress. A traditional Ayurvedic medicine used to treat mental disorders and epilepsy, this wonder-herb appears to strengthen memory as well as improve mental focus and concentration by enhancing the conductivity of nerve tissue. One of our most exciting and joyous discoveries involved the goji berries of Tibet. The natives of this mountainous region say that eating goji berries in the morning will make you happy the entire day, as its amazing nutritional properties create a sense of well-being and optimism.
Indeed, nomadic peoples of Mongolia and Tibet have, for many centuries, found that regular consumption of goji berries supports a long, vigorous and happy life. Loaded with nutrients and powerful antioxidants, 18 amino acids, more beta carotene than carrots, 21 trace minerals, more iron than spinach, 500 times more vitamin C by weight than oranges, 13 percent protein and many other vitamins and minerals including calcium, magnesium, vitamins B1, B2, B6, and E, goji berries feature prominently in both ancient and current Tibetan medicine.
Looking back to India, we set out on the trail of an herb so powerful that its name in Sanskrit is “Brahmi,” which means wisdom or consciousness. Gotu kola, an ancient medicinal herb used in India, Indonesia and China for thousands of years, has long been associated with enhanced energy, improved brain function and longevity. In fact, we discovered that gotu kola has been called one of the “miracle elixirs of life” because legend has it that an ancient Chinese herbalist lived for more than 200 years as a result of using this remarkable herb.

According to Ayurveda, the gotu kola herb is one of the chief herbs for revitalizing the nerves and brain cells; hence, it is primarily known as a “brain food” in India. Another Far East herb that boasts quite a fascinating legend is ashwagandha. This herb has been used for 4,000 years in India and is featured prominently in the ancient art of Ayurveda where it is used to boost energy and vitality. Sometimes called Indian Ginseng, Ayurvedic medicine refers to ashwagandha as both a vitalizer and a mood-stabilizer.

One other nutritional jewel from the Far East that captivated our imagination and attention was the schizandra berry. This remarkable berry has a long history going back many centuries and, according to ancient Chinese herbal texts, it was believed that schizandra could “prolong the yearsof life without aging.” The fact that it has been in continuous use for at least 5,000 years and has been horded, revered and praised by the cultures of China, Japan and Korea demonstrates that the reputation of schizandra is well-founded.
DISCLAIMER: The statements made herein have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). This product is in no way intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease.If a condition persists, please contact your physician. The information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with your physician, and should not be construed as individual medical advice. The testimonials on this website are individual cases and do not guarantee that you will get the same results.


VISIT .....Or Call / Whatsapp: +254 725 879 248
We uncovered amazing stories of South American tribes who enjoyed glowing good health and an amazing resistance to even the most dreaded diseases. So we looked to the Amazon Rainforest, home to some of medicine’s most stunning pharmacological discoveries. There we found the graviola tree, which has been cultivated in Peru since pre-Columbian times. In fact, its fruit was often represented in ceramics of the time. We found that local legends tell of indigenous peoples who often utilized different parts of the graviola tree, such as the bark, root, leaves, fruit and seeds, for medicinal use in the treatment of diabetes, indigestion, intestinal parasites and even certain types of cancer.
They even used graviola as a type of very mild sedative. Another rainforest nutritional treasure is the fabulous camu camu berry. Folklore tales dating back more than 700 years describe Amazonian Indian tribes used this fruit to effectively help treat infections, decrease pain, strengthen joints and even maintain longevity. Today, scientists have found that the camu camu fruit is rich in Vitamin C and contains 30 to 60 times more vitamin C than an orange or lemon. The camu camu berry is also an excellent source of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and various amino acids. Besides its vitamin and mineral content, the fruit is also rich in anthocyanins, amino acids, flavonoids and has very strong antioxidant activity. As our quest for nutritional knowledge continued, we turned our eyes toward the acai berry.

For centuries, the acai berry has been eaten and used for medicinal reasons by the natives of the Amazon rainforests. And, of course, we were fascinated to learn the legend of the acai. This legend tells how the palm tree that produces the acai berry was discovered accidentally by an Amazon Indian girl named Iaca, the daughter of a tribal chieftain. Facing devastating famine, this chief declared that no children would be allowed to be born into the tribe until a new food source was found. Iaca, the chief’s own daugher, was with child at the time. After her child was sacrificed, a grief-stricken Iaca ran into the forest that there discovered the acai palm bearing a wealth of bountiful dark purple fruit. Tragically, the discovery of this new food source could have saved the life of Iaca’s daughter, causing it to be called “the fruit that cries.” The tribe’s leader named the fruit acai (Iaca inverted) in honor of his daughter and his tribe once again prospered.
From a health standpoint, the acai berry is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world. Acai contains a remarkable concentration of antioxidants that help combat premature aging, as well as valuable phytonutrients and a nearly perfect amino acid complex. Some of the more well-known health benefits of the acai include weight management support, increased energy and enhanced mental focus, not to mention cardiovascular and circulatory support. Continuing our search through the lush jungles of South America, we heard amazing stories of how the Mapuche Indians of Chile have, for centuries, have been known for their remarkable strength and endurance. We discovered that maqui berries have, for many hundreds of years, been a dietary staple of the Mapuches. According to legend, the ancient Mapuche regarded maqui as a sacred and powerful plant and used maqui fruit as an essential part of its medical practices. But the most exciting and legendary use of maqui was the strength, stamina and overall good health it provided to Mapuche warriors. The Spanish conquistadors who were repeatedly defeated by the Mapuche tribes reportedly said that the extreme stamina and strength of the natives came from the daily consumption of a beverage made from the maqui berry. Our South American quest for knowledge, however, did not end in Chile. We also found that that the ancient Incas treasured pau d’arco as a major plant source used to promote health and immunity. In fact, indications imply that the use of pau d’arco may actually pre-date the Incas. We found that they Guarani and Tupi tribes called the pau d’arco tree “tajy,” which means “to have strength and vigor.” They used the bark not only to fashion hunting bows but also to treat a variety of health conditions. A tonic made from the pau d’arco tree was traditionally used for good health, strength and endurance.

DISCLAIMER: The statements made herein have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). This product is in no way intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease.If a condition persists, please contact your physician. The information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with your physician, and should not be construed as individual medical advice. The testimonials on this website are individual cases and do not guarantee that you will get the same results.


CALL / WHATSAPP : +254 725 879 248




     This compensation plan has been carefully developed as a way to empower you and your dreams. With this plan, you can actually make money from day one, create a significant residual income and be generously rewarded as your team grows and develops through your leadership.

    Trévo’s compensation system utilizes a single-line matrix compensation system that is new to the industry. This unique system allows you to benefit from every person who joins Trévo after you, regardless of what organization they are in.
    This remarkable compensation system includes eight powerful ways for you to make money through Trévo, which can equip you with the kind of prosperity that will make your dreams of a life filled with excitement, a sense of fulfillment and financial freedom a reality.

    At Trévo, our mission truly is to empower your dreams.

      Single Line Matrix

      Imagine being paid for the activity of everyone who joins trévo after you
      The power of the Trévo opportunity is in its remarkable single-line matrix. When you become a part of Trévo, everyone who joins our global company after you is positioned under you and contributes to your income… whether you enrolled them or not, whether they are in your team or not, and even whether they are in the same country as you or not.
      In other words, everyone works together globally and everyone benefits from the company’s global volume. This gives you an unprecedented opportunity to be a part of and profit from a billion dollar brand.



      Earn substantial retail income

      Trévo gives you the ability to purchase our phenomenal products at wholesale and then sell them to retail customers for a significant profit. In fact, as a Trévo Life and Health Coach, you can make up to a 40% profit simply by sharing our powerful nutritional product. Plus, you can enroll Preferred Customers and earn great bonuses on every purchase they make. These Preferred Customer bonuses are paid on all eight (8) generations of our compensation plan.

      Trévo’s Power Start Business System rewards you with immediate income for building your business. As an enroller, you can enjoy the benefits of up to 40% commissions, plus we even pay matching bonuses to your enroller.
      Trévo’s higher-end systems are not only your best value but also the best avenue toward some of the most generous commissions in the industry. However, if you have entered Trévo with a smaller system, you can upgrade systems as you grow your business.



      Each time a team member whom you have personally enrolled enrolls a new Life and Health
      Coach with the purchase of a Power Start System, you can receive up to a 20% matching
      bonus based upon your qualifications and the system that the new enrollee purchases.
      For example, if you enroll Bill with an Elite Director Power Start System and Bill then enrolls Sue with an
      Elite Director Power Start System, Bill will be paid a 40% commission and you will receive a 20% matching bonus from Bill’s commission.
      However, if Bill enrolls someone with an Executive Power Start System, his maximum commission will be $180 and your matching bonus will be $36 because you and Bill each came in with an Elite Director Power Start System system. The difference in his commission and your matching bonus will roll up to the first person who is qualified at an Executive Power Start System or above.
      If you have entered Trévo with a smaller system, you can upgrade with additional systems as you sell product.





      Trévo rewards its Life and Health Coaches for their personal efforts in building  exciting, passionate, and growing teams. We believe that the best way to say  “Congratulations and Great Job” is by helping you to create a generous monthly residual income.
      Click here to see GVP commission examples.

      Commission example based on 1-case AutoShip:



      How does compression benefit me?

      Trévo’s monthly commission compression ensures that you receive the maximum commission possible. Here’s how it works: You are paid monthly commissions on everyone in your first 8 generations who has placed an AutoShip order in that month. With monthly compression, those Life & Health Coaches in your 8 generations not on AutoShip are simply taken out of the equation and other team members from generations below your 8th level are temporarily moved up until all 8 generations are filled. This allows you to receive commissions on all 8 generations. After commissions are paid, your 8 generations roll back to the positions held prior to compression.



      Bulk orders are definitely the way to go in order to receive your maximum commissions. This commission is paid on your first through fourth (1st – 4th) generations, giving you a Bulk Pack commission of up to $183 on one sale!





      What are global pool bonuses?

      Team Volume Recognition Pool bonuses are another important money-maker in the Trévo compensation plan. This pool bonus is our way of rewarding sales leaders, business builders, and dream builders for their strong leadership. Trévo reserves 15% of the company’s Group Volume revenue to be paid monthly in 15 separate 1% pools. This amazing global pool bonus maximizes the power of our revolutionary Single-Line Matrix compensation plan, with the result being more income for Trévo’s movers and shakers.

      Example of 1% Team Volume Pool:

      When Trévo ships 100,000 Group Volume cases per month, the total monthly revenue will be approximately $10,000,000.
      Each 1% pool will be worth $100,000 and will be divided by the number of Life and Health Coaches who have achieved that specific qualifying rank.
      Using this example, if you are qualified at  the Blue Sapphire Director level, you will share in four (4) separate $100,000 pools.
      Similarly, if you are qualified at Black Diamond Grand Elite Executive level, you will share in fifteen (15) separate $100,000 pools.



      Trévo is a company that really knows how to reward its leaders. We have compiled an impressive array of leadership bonuses that will amaze even the most experienced network marketer. From car bonuses and executive-class travel to cash, Trévo treats its elite field leaders with style and opulence.
      The Trévo Car Bonus Program is one of the most exciting benefits available through our Leadership Bonus Program. Life and Health Coaches all across the world are enjoying the freedom of the road behind the wheel of a brand new vehicle, and Trévo is making it all possible.
      Imagine Trévo making the monthly payment on your new vehicle. Everywhere you go, your new vehicle will provide you with the ultimate conversation piece to engage multitudes of people in the Trévo opportunity.



      The founders of Trévo, Mark and Holli Stevens, firmly believe in the value of giving back. They actively support a variety of charitable organizations and ministries both in their local community and in the global community.
      Through Trévo, leaders who have achieved Black Diamond Executive status and above will be rewarded with shares of the Trévo charity pool bonuses. These shares will be distributed as donations to charities specified by these leaders, and will be made in the name of the participating leader.
      The benefit of this charity pool bonus is two-fold. First, these charity pool bonus donations will help make the world a better place. Second, they will highlight participants as successful entrepreneurs who support their communities on both a local and global level.
      DISCLAIMER: The earnings potential portrayed in this literature is not necessarily representative of the income, if any, that a Trévo Life and Health Coach can or will earn through participation in the Trévo compensation plan. Any figures herein should not be considered as guarantees or projections of your actual earnings or profits. Any representation or guarantee of earnings, whether made by Trévo or a Trévo Life and Health Coach, would be misleading. Success with Trévo results only from successful sales efforts, which require hard work, persistence and leadership. Your success will depend upon how effectively you exercise these qualities.

    Imagine being paid for the activity of everyone who joins trévo after you
    The power of the Trévo opportunity is in its remarkable single-line matrix. When you become a part of Trévo, everyone who joins our global company after you is positioned under you and contributes to your income… whether you enrolled them or not, whether they are in your team or not, and even whether they are in the same country as you or not.
    In other words, everyone works together globally and everyone benefits from the company’s global volume. This gives you an unprecedented opportunity to be a part of and profit from a billion dollar brand.



    Earn substantial retail income

    Trévo gives you the ability to purchase our phenomenal products at wholesale and then sell them to retail customers for a significant profit. In fact, as a Trévo Life and Health Coach, you can make up to a 40% profit simply by sharing our powerful nutritional product. Plus, you can enroll Preferred Customers and earn great bonuses on every purchase they make. These Preferred Customer bonuses are paid on all eight (8) generations of our compensation plan.

    Trévo’s Power Start Business System rewards you with immediate income for building your business. As an enroller, you can enjoy the benefits of up to 40% commissions, plus we even pay matching bonuses to your enroller.
    Trévo’s higher-end systems are not only your best value but also the best avenue toward some of the most generous commissions in the industry. However, if you have entered Trévo with a smaller system, you can upgrade systems as you grow your business.



    Each time a team member whom you have personally enrolled enrolls a new Life and Health
    Coach with the purchase of a Power Start System, you can receive up to a 20% matching
    bonus based upon your qualifications and the system that the new enrollee purchases.
    For example, if you enroll Bill with an Elite Director Power Start System and Bill then enrolls Sue with an
    Elite Director Power Start System, Bill will be paid a 40% commission and you will receive a 20% matching bonus from Bill’s commission.
    However, if Bill enrolls someone with an Executive Power Start System, his maximum commission will be $180 and your matching bonus will be $36 because you and Bill each came in with an Elite Director Power Start System system. The difference in his commission and your matching bonus will roll up to the first person who is qualified at an Executive Power Start System or above.
    If you have entered Trévo with a smaller system, you can upgrade with additional systems as you sell product.





    Trévo rewards its Life and Health Coaches for their personal efforts in building  exciting, passionate, and growing teams. We believe that the best way to say  “Congratulations and Great Job” is by helping you to create a generous monthly residual income.
    Click here to see GVP commission examples.

    Commission example based on 1-case AutoShip:



    How does compression benefit me?

    Trévo’s monthly commission compression ensures that you receive the maximum commission possible. Here’s how it works: You are paid monthly commissions on everyone in your first 8 generations who has placed an AutoShip order in that month. With monthly compression, those Life & Health Coaches in your 8 generations not on AutoShip are simply taken out of the equation and other team members from generations below your 8th level are temporarily moved up until all 8 generations are filled. This allows you to receive commissions on all 8 generations. After commissions are paid, your 8 generations roll back to the positions held prior to compression.



    Bulk orders are definitely the way to go in order to receive your maximum commissions. This commission is paid on your first through fourth (1st – 4th) generations, giving you a Bulk Pack commission of up to $183 on one sale!





    What are global pool bonuses?

    Team Volume Recognition Pool bonuses are another important money-maker in the Trévo compensation plan. This pool bonus is our way of rewarding sales leaders, business builders, and dream builders for their strong leadership. Trévo reserves 15% of the company’s Group Volume revenue to be paid monthly in 15 separate 1% pools. This amazing global pool bonus maximizes the power of our revolutionary Single-Line Matrix compensation plan, with the result being more income for Trévo’s movers and shakers.

    Example of 1% Team Volume Pool:

    When Trévo ships 100,000 Group Volume cases per month, the total monthly revenue will be approximately $10,000,000.
    Each 1% pool will be worth $100,000 and will be divided by the number of Life and Health Coaches who have achieved that specific qualifying rank.
    Using this example, if you are qualified at  the Blue Sapphire Director level, you will share in four (4) separate $100,000 pools.
    Similarly, if you are qualified at Black Diamond Grand Elite Executive level, you will share in fifteen (15) separate $100,000 pools.



    Trévo is a company that really knows how to reward its leaders. We have compiled an impressive array of leadership bonuses that will amaze even the most experienced network marketer. From car bonuses and executive-class travel to cash, Trévo treats its elite field leaders with style and opulence.
    The Trévo Car Bonus Program is one of the most exciting benefits available through our Leadership Bonus Program. Life and Health Coaches all across the world are enjoying the freedom of the road behind the wheel of a brand new vehicle, and Trévo is making it all possible.
    Imagine Trévo making the monthly payment on your new vehicle. Everywhere you go, your new vehicle will provide you with the ultimate conversation piece to engage multitudes of people in the Trévo opportunity.



    The founders of Trévo, Mark and Holli Stevens, firmly believe in the value of giving back. They actively support a variety of charitable organizations and ministries both in their local community and in the global community.
    Through Trévo, leaders who have achieved Black Diamond Executive status and above will be rewarded with shares of the Trévo charity pool bonuses. These shares will be distributed as donations to charities specified by these leaders, and will be made in the name of the participating leader.
    The benefit of this charity pool bonus is two-fold. First, these charity pool bonus donations will help make the world a better place. Second, they will highlight participants as successful entrepreneurs who support their communities on both a local and global level.
    DISCLAIMER: The earnings potential portrayed in this literature is not necessarily representative of the income, if any, that a Trévo Life and Health Coach can or will earn through participation in the Trévo compensation plan. Any figures herein should not be considered as guarantees or projections of your actual earnings or profits. Any representation or guarantee of earnings, whether made by Trévo or a Trévo Life and Health Coach, would be misleading. Success with Trévo results only from successful sales efforts, which require hard work, persistence and leadership. Your success will depend upon how effectively you exercise these qualities.