Sunday 8 March 2015


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Trévo is a company empowering people to:
> Create vibrant physical health
> Enjoy enthusiastic emotional health
> Achieve thriving spiritual health
> Experience abundant financial health

Trévo Pillars

Some people only dream of doing great things, while others stay awake and accomplish them.

This powerful statement embodies the heart of the Trévo™ pillars. Indeed, Trévo™ is dedicated to building a culture that equips and motivates people to achieve and embrace the greatness for which they were created.

Vibrant Physical Health – Trévo™ helps people take responsibility for their health through the inclusion of a high-quality nutritional supplement into their daily routine. Of course, healthy eating habits and exercise go hand-in-hand with supplementation. Achieving vibrant physical health can help you to excel in every area of life, including emotionally, spiritually and financially.

Enthusiastic Emotional Health – We believe that, at the core of vibrant emotional health, you will find personal growth. A commitment to personal growth equips us to identify our gifts, talents, strengths and weaknesses. Personal growth involves practicing healthy thinking and character development. This is a journey that creates emotional well-being and victory throughout the circumstances of life.

Thriving Spiritual Health – As human beings, our goal should be to affect a positive impact in the lives of others. Our ability to love others is the underpinning of a deep, thriving spiritual health. Matthew 22:36-39 reinforces this by instructing us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.“’Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?’ Jesus said to him,You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second likewise is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”

This commandment does not say to only love those who agree with us or who look like us. It simply says to love your neighbor as you love yourself. Indeed, life is a journey that cannot be navigated apart from love, faith, hope, freedom, growth, and the discovery of God’s great plan for each of our lives.

Abundant Financial Health – Financial abundance helps enable us to make our dreams and the dreams of others become reality, to create lifestyles that we desire. Financial abundance defines the manner in which we would live our lives if money were no object. A life of financial prosperity removes the burden of debt and gives us the freedom to dream huge dreams. It also equips us to help meet the needs of others while also empowering their dreams, both on a local and global level.

We consider these four pillars to be the embodiment of true prosperity. They are deeply interconnected and each one should be embraced, treasured, and nurtured on a daily basis in order to achieve a life of empowered dreams and unlimited opportunity.

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