Thursday 27 August 2015


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At Trévo we are on a quest to become the greatest health, wellness and lifestyle company in history. To accomplish this, we have tapped into the key that all companies which have attained greatness and, ultimately, legendary status have had in common. There are seven identifiable characteristics – principles, if you will – that we believe will propel the Trévo team toward a destiny of greatness. As we shape our lives and attitudes through these principles our lives actually become the catalyst that attracts others to the Trévo culture and lifestyle of prosperity.

The Trévo Creation Story

The journey toward the creation of Trévo actually began years ago when CEO Mark A. Stevens was a young man of just 16. While still in high school, Mark discovered his entrepreneurial spirit and passion for excellence as he became the owner of a soon-to-be nationally recognized music company. From the very beginning of his journey toward legendary business success, Mark challenged the “status quo” of corporate leadership as he divided his time between studies and running a successful business. As his business insight grew, Mark discovered that the principles of the network marketing industry actually underscored and intertwined with his belief that an unlimited opportunity exists for everyone, not just a select few, willing to work hard and help other people along the way. Thus began the journey that lead to the creation of Trévo. Perhaps the most defining difference that sets Trévo apart from other companies is Mark’s love for people. He is passionate in his belief that everyone has the right to live their dreams. Trévo was created to make a positive difference in people’s lives; to help people become aware of what is available to them in life. In other words, to empower the dreams that can fuel their success. But being successful is much more than just making money. It is actually about what you do with that success. It is about making the world a better place in which to live. It is about imparting a sense of possibility. At Trévo we are dedicated to helping you to realize that there is a great life out there just waiting for you to come and get it. We want you to live the very best life you possibly can by embracing the knowledge that you were created for greatness. You are created to be empowered to change your life and the lives of those around you, that is the mission of Trévo – to create a culture of passion, excitement, prosperity, good health, generosity and love. In other words, to embrace living life to the fullest. To our way of thinking, there is no better legacy than this for our families and our global community.

The Trévo Creed

At Trévo our creed is a statement of our beliefs that explains who we are and what we are all about. It clearly says why we belong in people’s lives. It is comprised of Trévo’s Pillars, Mission and Core Values. Together, these components of our Creed create an identity that attracts people to the exciting and rewarding Trévo culture.

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