Friday 18 March 2016


Wow! Trevo testimony. Oh i love this product. I will share it with the whole world.Feel free to contact me for more information.

Maybe many may not have heard of me mention it. Maybe some may have heard of it. But when i was sick, as is my habit i was always online chatting up people. I met Richardson a nigerian who tried to convince to join Trevo MLM business. He explained that Trevo is a combination of 174 natural plant supplements and if consumed, works by restoring, rejuvenating all at the cellular level. Of course i dismissed him. He referred me to their office in Nairobi and i told him i will contact them.
At this time i was admitted at Nairobi Hospital for T67 joint condition, which made me be completely paralysed from the stomach down. I couldn't feel my legs. My short and long calls weren't controllable. I was depressed. A time came even my intestines couldn't function and i was constipated causing the hospital to administer constipation medicine to force me to go for long calls. The doctors tried all from CT Scans, MRIs, Urine and blood analysis and Chest XRays and didn't come up with any diagnosis. They opted for normal therapy to activate the nerves all in vain. Actually i was seen by 4 different specialists including two medical professors. After two and a half weeks of admission, i was discharged. I can never forget that day in late September 2015 as i was being wheeled out of the ward and driven home to start my home self-therapy. It was sad, out of nowhere, life had changed!
When i got home i decided to accept my condition but undertake physiotherapy sessions to exercise my muscles with the help of a caretaker. I remembered Richardson's advice and he hooked me up with Sarah of Trevo Nairobi to sample the product. I bought a bottle of the supplement which pushed me for two weeks. I started seeing changes. First i was able to feel and move my limbs. I left using the wheelchair. At exactly two weeks on discharge from hospital, i was able to crawl and walk holding walls. I called Sarah and asked her for a second bottle. When she delivered, i walked and opened the door for her. She was amazed.
I went on using the supplement and did physio till i advanced to using two crutches until now i use one. I can now comfortably walk with no support!
I am writing this so that many of us out there who are suffering due to diseases may know there is a solution! I have attached pictures from my days when i was in hospital until now when am back to work for proof. I went to see my Doc last week on Friday for my medical review and he was amazed to see me walk. He said that in during the first clinic i went pushed in a wheel chair. When he saw me walk, it was a miracle. They had given up on me altogether. But i thank God am back to my feet from complete paralysis! I have read of people being cured of asthma, cancer, evwn recover from HIV etc from consuming Trevo but i have experienced first hand complete healing from paralysis through this drink! - Michael.

My contact : +254 725 879 248 for your order of Trevo

 DISCLAIMER: The statements made herein have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). This product is in no way intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease.If a condition persists, please contact your physician. The information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with your physician, and should not be construed as individual medical advice. The testimonials on this website are individual cases and do not guarantee that you will get the same results.

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