Monday 21 September 2015



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call / whatsapp: +254 725 879 248

“After taking Trévo for a period of time, I have cut my blood pressure medication in half. I recently had some blood work done and all my tests results were within healthy ranges … the best they’ve been in 5 years! I have lost 11 pounds and kept it off without even trying, and that’s even without eating a proper diet or exercising. I attribute all these positive results to Trévo.”"

"“I had breast cancer surgery in April 2011, followed by two additional surgeries a week later. The morning after my last surgery, I drank two ounces of Trévo and went shopping with my daughter! Through the other two surgeries, as long as I drank my Trévo every day, I did fine. My stamina is increasing, but without enjoying Trévo daily I either can’t sleep or want to sleep all the time. I have found that if I take at least two ounces of Trévo first thing in the morning, I make it through the whole day. I just can’t go without my Trévo. Thank you for such a wonderful product!”"
Cathy H.

"“Trévo is a great way to stay healthy and keep my weight on target. I am 53 years old and a very active grandmother of five wonderful grandchildren. My health has never been better and is helping me maintain a healthy, lean body. Plus, the energy is amazing. Thank you, Trévo!”"
Paula P.

"“I was tired of taking medications to address my high blood glucose problems. I was curious about all the great things I had been hearing about Trévo, so I decided to try it for myself. Today, my blood sugar levels have returned to normal and my overall health is much better. The stiffness in my joints is even gone! Thanks, Trévo.”"
Marta, Guatemala

"I was introduced to Trévo while going through chemo for breast cancer. I found that when I included 3 oz. of Trévo with my breakfast, I didn’t suffer the kind of extreme fatigue, nausea, or other ill effects associated with chemotherapy. In fact, my doctor said that he thought the extra nutrition helped improve my cellular health as well as my overall health.”"
Jean P.

"“I’ve been a Type II diabetic for over 6 years. I started taking Trévo 3 weeks ago, and my blood sugar is nearly normal … from 120 units of insulin a day! And I have lost 10 lbs. on this remarkable product! Wow!”"
Ron S.

YES to the Power of Wellness Today!
Trévo Supports:
mental focus Mental Focus and Cognition
Weight Management
Heart Health (Cardiovascular)
Cellular Health
Digestive and Gastrointestinal Health
Nervous System Health
Immune System Health
Circulatory System Health
eye Eye Health
Bone and Joint Health
Blood Pressure Healt
Vibrant Good Health
Increased Energy
Powerful Anti-Aging Benefits
Blood Sugar Health

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