Sunday 13 September 2015


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Next, we turned our investigation toward the mysterious Far East. There we discovered marvelous stories of remarkable longevity and good health, even in extremely remote and undeveloped villages. These stories all seemed to be connected to the wonders of centuries-old Ayurvedic traditional medicine. Roughly translated, the word Ayurveda, or Ayurvedic, means “the science of life.” We began our research of the Far East in northern India, where we found the amalaki tree. This amazing tree enjoys a prominent position in Indian culture and is celebrated during the amalaki fruit harvesting season. Under the glow of a full moon, families gather under nearby amalaki trees and give thanks for the bounty of these trees. Folklore says that even just sitting under an amalaki tree will lead to greater vitality, strength and overall health. Amalaki is highly regarded in Ayurveda for promoting the perfect digestion that leads to radiant health and youthful aging as well as shining eyes, skin and hair. Next, we discovered that the fabulous bacopa has been revered for centuries in the Ayurvedic herbal traditions of India.
It is said that the use of bacopa for memory enhancement goes back 3,000 years or more in India, when it was discovered to benefit brain function, including memory and learning skills, and to help manage anxiety, depression and stress. A traditional Ayurvedic medicine used to treat mental disorders and epilepsy, this wonder-herb appears to strengthen memory as well as improve mental focus and concentration by enhancing the conductivity of nerve tissue. One of our most exciting and joyous discoveries involved the goji berries of Tibet. The natives of this mountainous region say that eating goji berries in the morning will make you happy the entire day, as its amazing nutritional properties create a sense of well-being and optimism.
Indeed, nomadic peoples of Mongolia and Tibet have, for many centuries, found that regular consumption of goji berries supports a long, vigorous and happy life. Loaded with nutrients and powerful antioxidants, 18 amino acids, more beta carotene than carrots, 21 trace minerals, more iron than spinach, 500 times more vitamin C by weight than oranges, 13 percent protein and many other vitamins and minerals including calcium, magnesium, vitamins B1, B2, B6, and E, goji berries feature prominently in both ancient and current Tibetan medicine.
Looking back to India, we set out on the trail of an herb so powerful that its name in Sanskrit is “Brahmi,” which means wisdom or consciousness. Gotu kola, an ancient medicinal herb used in India, Indonesia and China for thousands of years, has long been associated with enhanced energy, improved brain function and longevity. In fact, we discovered that gotu kola has been called one of the “miracle elixirs of life” because legend has it that an ancient Chinese herbalist lived for more than 200 years as a result of using this remarkable herb.

According to Ayurveda, the gotu kola herb is one of the chief herbs for revitalizing the nerves and brain cells; hence, it is primarily known as a “brain food” in India. Another Far East herb that boasts quite a fascinating legend is ashwagandha. This herb has been used for 4,000 years in India and is featured prominently in the ancient art of Ayurveda where it is used to boost energy and vitality. Sometimes called Indian Ginseng, Ayurvedic medicine refers to ashwagandha as both a vitalizer and a mood-stabilizer.

One other nutritional jewel from the Far East that captivated our imagination and attention was the schizandra berry. This remarkable berry has a long history going back many centuries and, according to ancient Chinese herbal texts, it was believed that schizandra could “prolong the yearsof life without aging.” The fact that it has been in continuous use for at least 5,000 years and has been horded, revered and praised by the cultures of China, Japan and Korea demonstrates that the reputation of schizandra is well-founded.
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